Order Staging (Premium Desktop Feature)

This feature allows the user to save Potential Trades for further consideration to decide the best ones to submit.

Staging is also useful when the Market is closed – to be reviewed when the Market is open to determine if it’s still a high-probability trade.

With one click, you can send to the Research Tab,  Move to an Order Ticket or Delete and move on to the next staged order.

When Trade Sharing is enabled,  Trades made in accounts you are following will be displayed in your Order Staging Tab.   The Source will indicate the Account Name.  Status of “Used” will display for those trades you submit on one of your accounts.
Expired Staged Orders will automatically be removed.

Set Up Trade & Journal Sharing (Premium Desktop Feature)

Trade and Journal Sharing


Step 1:

Select “Sharing” under the Portfolio Tab to to access these features of sharing trade ideas with peers or trading groups or have access to an Instructor’s Trades or Journal History.

Trade Sharing allows for potential trades to display in “Order Staging” listing the Source of the Order.

Journal Sharing can be used to follow a Trading Group, Instructors, Peer, Public Accounts as well as Newsletters/Trading Room applications.

Step 2:  On the left-hand panel, click on “My Shared Accounts”

Shared Accounts are grouped into 4 categories:

  • My Shared Accounts – Elect to share Order Staging and/or Journal Sharing
  • Accounts I’m Following – Other peers, trading partners, instructors
  • Subscription Accounts – Newsletter or Trading Group applications
  • Public Shared Accounts – allows access to a Public Directory with performance metrics

Step 3: Set up your User Profile

Click “Edit
Add a User Display Name
Provide a Bio and/or Information about the account.  This is what others will see.
The Formatting option allows you to customize the Bio/Information box.
Click “Save

Step 4:  Set Up Account Profile

1.  In the middle panel, click on the Account to be shared

2.  On the bottom right panel of the page, click on “Create Sharing Profile

3.  On the pop-up window, add an Account Display Name and Account Description.
Note: Both are required.

You are also able to add #tags to this Account Profile.

4.  Click “Save

Available buttons allow you to Generate New Code and Disable Code.

Account Options

Once Shared, you can “Unshare” account by clicking on button located in the upper right of this box.

Share Journal is checked by default.

Check box for Share Staged Trades if you wish to provide that on the selected account.

A code is automatically generated to Privately Share/Peer-to-peer share

Duration drop-down menu allows you to set how long the code is valid:
Single use only
Until Disabled


Manage Your Portfolio from the Platform

With Brokerage Integration you can trade directly from the platform with select brokerage firms.  Currently TD Ameritrade and Choice Trade are available.  With more on the way.



Brokerage Access

Trade directly with select Brokers.

The Broker menu is located in the lower left corner of the screen and is always accessible. From here you can see your balance, positions, and orders.

There is also an integrated Order Ticket. This can be accessed directly or from any of the “Buy”, “Sell” or “Trade” buttons or from clicking on the Action Icon menu.

Virtual Account Overview

Virtual Trading gives you the real trading experience without risking any money.     It is a valuable “next step” learning tool – designed to mimic the trading experience as closely as possible.

You’ll start with a $100,000 account.  Virtual, of course.

Trades are executed during Market hours – 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Eastern Time, however there is a 15 minute delay after Market open for orders to begin executing.

As with Live Accounts, there are limits on trades if there is not sufficient Buying Power in your Virtual Account.   There can be expensive Spread/Margin Requirements to adhere to.

Virtual Accounts do have limitations that Live Accounts do not have:

Virtual Accounts are not subject or responsive to Corporate actions such as buyouts, name or symbol changes, stock/option splits and strike price adjustments to name some examples.

Virtual Accounts are “Auto-Journaled”.   This automatically keeps record of all trades for later analysis and reconciling.

These practice accounts are identified by a yellow bar on the left side of the account window.

Virtual Accounts are powered by Choice Trade to provide the real trading experience.

Order Types - How to Enter

Market Order are Buy or Sell orders to be executed immediately at current the Market Price.  Execution of the trade is more important than price.   As long as there is a willing buyer or seller, the trade will be executed.

Limit Orders (including Net Debit and Net Credit) allow you to set the Maximum Price to Buy or Minimum Price to Sell a security .  Because these orders have ‘limits’ they may not be executed.  When they are, they will be executed at the Limit Price – or better.
Low Volume, a slow or very fast market may mean your Limit Price may not be reached and thus, your order not executed.

Stop & Stop Limit Orders

These are protective orders, to be placed on a current position.

A Stop Order becomes a Market Order when the Stop Price is reached.   This does not mean you will get the Stop Price when the Order executes.  You are willing to Buy/Sell at any price once your Price is reached to have the Order execute. 

A Stop Limit Order generally offers more protection:   Once the Stop Price is reached, the order converts to a Limit Order to execute once that price – or better- is reached.   Thus, there are two values to enter on the Order Ticket for Stop Limit Orders.

How to enter a Stop Order/Stop Limit Order:

On the Positions tab, click “Close” for the Stock/ETF entry you want to add a Stop/Stop Limit Order to.  You’ll be navigated to the Order Ticket tab to continue. 

On the right side of the Order Ticket (Exit Order):

1.  Change Exit Condition from default “Limit” to “Stop” or “Stop Limit
2.  Enter Stop Price.  For Stop Limit Orders,  the Stop Price will be the higher of the two values.
Enter Limit Price, if applicable.
3.  Change Duration from Day (default) to GTC (which may vary by brokerage)
4.  Review & Submit

Notes:  As long as it’s not a Day order, the Stop/Stop Limit order will remain Live until you cancel the order or it executes*.   (Some brokerages have expiration dates on such orders)

Trailing % and Trailing $

As the names suggest, these orders follow trades upward by a set $ or %.  They are placed on a current position.    Click “Close” from the Positions Tab, then follow the steps below:

1.  Change Exit Condition to “Trailing % (or $)
2.  Enter price or percentage to exit trade
3.  Select Duration (Day/GTC)
4.  Review, then Submit

This will be a Live Order until it Executes, Expires or is Cancelled.

Bracket Order – One Cancels the Other (OCO)


  1. Opening Order OR the existing Position to Close
  2.  Select “Bracket (OCO)”
  3.  If the trade is favorable, the Limit Price will trigger to close and secure profit.
  4.  If the trade is unfavorable, this Stop (or Stop Limit) Order can limit your loss
  5.  Duration: “Day” or “Good Til Canceled”
  6.  Summary of the Bracket-OCO Order
  7.  Review for accuracy, then Submit on the next screen